Caught In The Sand

Doubt, is darkness that sometimes masquerades as light, other times, it is a voice that shouts louder than the truth. It doesn’t always out rightly oppose the truth, it just pokes holes in the garment, and the wind starts to blow.

I went to the beach a few days ago, and the wind was really strong. I fixed my eyes on the waves, but the wind was distracting. I couldn’t quite see it, like you’d see the waves crash at your feet, but I could feel it. It was loud. I felt like I was in a tunnel, as it blew louder, it blew stronger and the fine particles of sand entered my eyes, ears, hair, eye lashes, and clothes. All as I tried to hold on to our kanga and empty sand buckets.

My senses were fixated on the wind, in the bustle of trying to keep the sand away, I lost sight of the waves. The beauty and allure of the waves was an afterthought, as I was caught in the sand.

That is what doubt does. It keeps you busy, it overwhelms your senses, keeps you too distracted to focus on the truth. It won’t come out and discredit the truth, it will ask subtle questions like, ‘Did God really say…’. That sounds familiar, right? It’s exactly how Eve was deceived.

Life circumstances will always interact with your senses. They may not always agree with what the Word says, they may poke holes on the garment of your convictions and you will begin to hear and feel the wind.

In the moments where you feel overwhelmed by the wind and the sand, remind yourself what you know to be true. Focus on the One who spoke the ocean to being, the One who tells the waves that they can only come this far, the Once who has power to silence the wind. Focus on Him, immerse yourself in His truth and watch the doubts fade away.


36 While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” 37 They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost. 3He said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds? 39 Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.” ~Luke 24:36-39

Buckets Of Love

“But these shoes don’t match my outfit, Mama,” Ksena said as she removed the pink Crocs.

“Go and ask Daddy what he thinks,” I said as I tried to get Ky ready to leave the house. In the background I could hear hubs and Ksena discuss her outfit, he thought that the shoes matched her top but Miss K preferred the blue shoes because they matched with her skirt.

At 7:30AM, I have bigger battles to fight other than color coordinating outfits, but isn’t it amazing how toddlers apply their knowledge into every situation. Learning colors is both a life skill and a wardrobe fundamental to avoid color clashing . Yesterday morning she insisted that she had to wear the skirt with beads, as I watched the minute hand sway on the clock, I let her wear the skirt.

One of my fave pictures of Miss K and Ky is them sitting on the beach, clad in dungarees and pink tops, playing with their buckets and shovels in the sand. Other than the fact that I got them matching outfits, I don’t do it often, but it’s my little way of seeing what life would be like if they were twins, hats off and lots of grace to mothers of multiples, you are heroes; this picture is the perfect reminder of sisterly love, them sitting next to each other and playing. When they see each other after playgroup they elatedly run and hug each other. Ksena doesn’t take jokes around her sister remaining behind with someone kindly, she stops what she is doing and goes to her sister and calls out for help. She is protective. Earlier today,  Miss K told me that Ky can go with her to school and stay in her class. She convinced me that she will take care of her and tell her friends to play carefully around her because Ky is delicate. I smiled as I drove.

Their bond is admirable, it reminds me how we ought to take care of each other and love on each other. A few weeks ago when Ksena had an opportunity to pick one toy and  she chose something for her sister instead, it really touched me, I saw love in action, a tender care that came from deep within. This is not to say that I would have judged her for choosing something for herself 🙂 but Ky was so mushed and happy when she saw her stethoscope.

Differences are present, my referee whistle has not been shelved as they do not always agree on who should play with the toy first, but their love remains. Oh, that our love for each other will remain as gentle, pure, caring and precious as theirs.

Imitators At Heart

Motherhood is an avenue that God uses to show me the contents of my heart.

Raising Ksena has really challenged my walk with God. One of the things that I understand afresh each and every day is what it means to be a child of God. Peter and I have a front row seat in the show ‘The Wonders Of A Child’. This means we get to see both awesome life truths and the foolishness bound within the heart. The latter has us looking for ‘a discipline stick’. Discipline is a series on it’s own, I’ll write about it soon.

God’s patience humbles me, He really does put up with a lot. Many are the times that I have told Him that I think I know…yet I was wallowing in a sea of foolishness. There was a time that I hated discipline, but the longer I walk with God, I realized time and time again how crucial it is.


The awesome truth that has got me this week is that we are imitators at heart. As children we want to look up to our parent and do as we see. Ksena has been imitating what her dad does. One day she told us, ”Daddy, eat” and proceeded to show us how her dad eats, it is hilarious to say the least. Yesterday, she was imitating how he sleeps, when she wants to wake him up.


She understands that he is her father and she longs to imitate him. Yesterday we went for an evening walk by the beach. When her daddy joined us, she shouted, ”Daddy, beach!”. She was ecstatic that he had come, after that she followed him every where that he went. She would momentarily get sidetracked by the waves, but when she remembered who she was supposed to be following, she was hot on his heels.


THAT is how I want my relationship with God to always be, that I may always follow and imitate Him. Though I may err and get mesmerized or side tracked by things on the way side, I pray that I will always follow Him. That my heart will long for Him, long to walk with Him, love on Him and be like Him.



Be Magnified : Day 6


I went to the beach yesterday, it was breathtakingly beautiful. There was a perfect peace that covered me. I couldn’t help but just stand in awe of God and join creation in worship Him. As I looked at the ocean and reflected, there was an impression over my heart. That I have made God too small in my eyes. This song was heavily on my heart and I wept as I sung it.

I was quiet for a few minutes, because it was true. I realized that I had begun to look at God from a very small lens, and in my folly I would measure Him against my circumstances. Folly of the highest order but my reality all the same. Considering I am a stay at home mum and writer, you can imagine what I measure Him against. I am chuckling as I write this because it is absolutely ridiculous. This past week, we have had blackouts every day without fail. It has made writing a bit tricky; but God’s power and might have nothing to do with Kenya Power. He is God in times when they supply us with electricity and in times when they don’t.

God is so gracious. Even as He convicted my heart of that wrong, He loved on me and begun to show me just how big He is.

I left there refreshed and challenged. In AWE of the most high God.

What circumstances have you been measuring God against?

When is the last time you just stood in AWE of Him and thanked Him for who He is?

The Prayer of the day is:

Dear Lord,

I thank you for the privilege that it is to know you and be known by you. I worship you Lord, because you are God. You are not defined by anything or anyone. You are sovereign.

Please forgive me for the times that I have made you too small in my eyes; the days that I have measured you against circumstances. Forgive me Lord, for the way that I have magnified situations and minimized you by sometimes looking for help from mere men. Yet you are the only one who can help me. Indeed some trust in chariots and some in horses but I choose to trust in the name of the Lord.

Help me to always see how big you are. To see you as you really are; God. There is nothing that you can’t do, and I declare that my eyes are on you, be magnified Lord, be magnified.

In Jesus name I pray and believe,


The song of the day is:

May the Lord encourage you. There is nothing to hard for Him. HE IS GOD. May He be magnified in every aspect of your life. Have a lovely day.



P.S If you would like me to stand with you in prayer, feel free to send me an email on

Calm in the Storm

Indian Ocean

I really like going to the beach. The breeze at the ocean is such a breath of fresh air…well salty air but fresh all the same :). Sometimes the ocean is happy and so nice to walk by, other times it is calm and reading a book at the beach is the perfect plan, but  other times the water is super choppy especially when the tide is strong, it almost looks like it is in a bad mood and just wants to carry everything in its way. Try leave your flip flops on the beach and you will see.

With all the traffic in Mombasa it really is about time we had water buses or even transportation speed boats. They would really be an efficient way to get to town compared to the congested roads. The heat in the traffic is just disgusting let alone the time wasted in traffic, sigh. Speaking of water transport…..

Last week as I read about the story of Jesus walking on water, something struck me..

John 6:16-21 (NIV)

16 When evening came, his disciples went down to the lake, 17 where they got into a boat and set off across the lake for Capernaum. By now it was dark, and Jesus had not yet joined them. 18 A strong wind was blowing and the waters grew rough. 19 When they had rowed about three or four miles,[a] they saw Jesus approaching the boat, walking on the water; and they were frightened. 20 But he said to them, “It is I; don’t be afraid.” 21 Then they were willing to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat reached the shore where they were heading.

[a] about 5 or 6 kilometers

After they stopped being afraid and let Jesus enter the boat they reached their destination IMMEDIATELY.  They did not continue to row their boat (read: toil in the flesh) , letting Jesus in meant allowing His power to transport them to their destination.

I don’t know what your storm looks like. It may seem as though, like the disciples, evening has come and you have had to leave shore without Jesus physically showing up.  The Lord is faithful.  Even though the strong wind blows and the rough waters make the 5 or 6 kilometer journey difficult, His presence will get you there instantly. Regardless of what the storm seems like, He will defy logic and gravity,  and calm the storm.

Happy Sunday 🙂
