About Bibi2Be

I was a bride, I’m now a wife but still a ‘bride to be’ to the King.

I am a lover of color 🙂 and fun. A psychologist by training and an optimist when it comes to Marriage and Family. I’m a firm believer that there are happy stories out there and I can barely wait to do increase my knowledge in Marriage and Family Therapy.

I think that life was created to be enjoyed and believe we were created in His image to reflect His glory as brides to men and eventually to the Son of Man.

Love literally makes the world go round. Yup, God is love 🙂

Bibi2be 🙂

2 thoughts on “About Bibi2Be

  1. Hello, Bibi2Be!

    I have just reconnected with the CMBA – and was wondering if you might be interested in doing a book review?

    My first book is coming out in January, The Peaceful Wife – Living in Submission to Christ as Lord. I’m looking for some Christian wife bloggers who might like to receive a free advanced copy from my publisher and who would do a book review for the launch.

    I share my story – how I thought I was the best Christian wife ever – but God showed me that there was a lot of disrespect, pride, self-righteousness, and control in my heart toward God and toward my husband. God radically changed me in a very painful process over several years. (He has given me a ministry to wives – http://www.peacefulwife.com. It now has about 40,000 views per week.) In the book, I share about repentance, what it means to submit to Christ as Lord, what disrespect looks like to our husbands, how to honor and respect our husbands, what biblical submission is, and lots of practical tips for wives to live out being a godly wife/woman in real life.

    If you are interested, please let me know!

    May God richly bless your ministry for His kingdom!

    In Him,
    April Cassidy

    • Hi April,

      Thank you so much for reaching out. Apologies for the delay in response.

      I would love to do the review. I am very interested in reading the book. It sounds like a life changing book for many wives.

      You can send it to me via ess@bibi2be.com


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