I Hear The Sound Of Rain Coming

I pray that the Lord will bless William McDowell and his ministry. His music has carried me through some of the darkest seasons and it has remained timeless. It is always an invitation to worship, to let the Lord’s Spirit minister to me.

Today was no different.

A friend sent me the link to this song this morning. What followed was tears and hope. As I listened and worshipped, something shifted within me. I was encouraged. Rain is coming my friends.

“Rain only matters to those who have seed in the ground. If you don’t have seed in the ground, rain is a nuisance; but if you’ve been planting somethings, if you’ve been praying somethings, when the rain comes you expect a harvest.

This is for everybody who has been sowing seed in a dry season and you keep saying, ‘I wonder where my harvest is?’. The harvest is connected to the rain.

I hear the sound of rain coming.

download (14)

Heaven is open, receive!” William McDowell




Be Magnified : Day 6


I went to the beach yesterday, it was breathtakingly beautiful. There was a perfect peace that covered me. I couldn’t help but just stand in awe of God and join creation in worship Him. As I looked at the ocean and reflected, there was an impression over my heart. That I have made God too small in my eyes. This song was heavily on my heart and I wept as I sung it.

I was quiet for a few minutes, because it was true. I realized that I had begun to look at God from a very small lens, and in my folly I would measure Him against my circumstances. Folly of the highest order but my reality all the same. Considering I am a stay at home mum and writer, you can imagine what I measure Him against. I am chuckling as I write this because it is absolutely ridiculous. This past week, we have had blackouts every day without fail. It has made writing a bit tricky; but God’s power and might have nothing to do with Kenya Power. He is God in times when they supply us with electricity and in times when they don’t.

God is so gracious. Even as He convicted my heart of that wrong, He loved on me and begun to show me just how big He is.

I left there refreshed and challenged. In AWE of the most high God.

What circumstances have you been measuring God against?

When is the last time you just stood in AWE of Him and thanked Him for who He is?

The Prayer of the day is:

Dear Lord,

I thank you for the privilege that it is to know you and be known by you. I worship you Lord, because you are God. You are not defined by anything or anyone. You are sovereign.

Please forgive me for the times that I have made you too small in my eyes; the days that I have measured you against circumstances. Forgive me Lord, for the way that I have magnified situations and minimized you by sometimes looking for help from mere men. Yet you are the only one who can help me. Indeed some trust in chariots and some in horses but I choose to trust in the name of the Lord.

Help me to always see how big you are. To see you as you really are; God. There is nothing that you can’t do, and I declare that my eyes are on you, be magnified Lord, be magnified.

In Jesus name I pray and believe,


The song of the day is:

May the Lord encourage you. There is nothing to hard for Him. HE IS GOD. May He be magnified in every aspect of your life. Have a lovely day.



P.S If you would like me to stand with you in prayer, feel free to send me an email onĀ ess@bibi2be.com