To Be Loved

There is something absolutely sweet and precious about seeing someone who knows, I mean deeply knows, that they are loved.

I love watching Peter and the girlies, and their love for each other. It is a sweet, yet secure kind of love. One that leaves me missing daddy from time to time, but it so beautiful to behold.

A few nights ago, after a riveting story, and prayer, he told the girlies that he loved them. Ky responded with confidence and said ‘I know!’

‘How do you know that I love you?’ he asked.

Ky drew in a breath, opened her eyes and then she responded, in a way that conveyed it was an absolute no brainer.

‘You are my daddy!’

Four words; one statement that was enough to convey her knowledge and trust of his love. It blew me away. Her knowledge of His love Is based on who he is to her and not necessarily what he does for her, because she knows that what he does, he does out of love.

At the tail end of 2022, I had the amazing opportunity to speak at 2 teen camps. As a little girl, I loved teen camps, They helped me to know God more and also to see people who were slightly older than me loving Jesus and truly living for Him. One of the questions that I asked the teens was, ‘Do you truly believe that God is good?’ Some said ‘But-ofcourse’, some stuttered, and some said ‘it is hard to see it at the moment’.

As we progressed with our session we discovered that the real question was ‘Do you believe God loves you?’. It was heavy, and an eye opener because what we believe about God is based on who we believe Him to be.

That is deep. Also the understanding that He is not defined by our circumstances. He simply is who He is.

I know that I should have started this post with a hearty, Happy New Year. But the year started on a tough note. My current motto is I WILL see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

If you are like me, and your year is off to a jarring and confusing start, I would like to whisper this prayer for you and I.

I pray that we will not falter in our faith or doubt God’s love, heart and plans for us because He is our Father.

Yet you, LORD, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. ~Isaiah 64:8

In spite of the present circumstances may we never forget, that HE is GOOD and we are LOVED.

That is our confidence.

Have a blessed new year

Love That Heals The Pain Within

hope 2

We are living in a time where the world is deficient of hope. Every where you turn, all you see and hear are sad stories. There are seldom any good stories. The ones that are there, seem like a drop in the ocean. In the recent past, several people have told me that they get depressed from watching the news. It may seem like a small thing that they shouldn’t take too personally, but, the news is subconsciously replayed in their minds hours and days after the bulletin.

Though we don’t see it, people are crying and dying on the inside. While physical pain has been considered the main cause of death, cases of emotional pain induced deaths are on the rise.
proverbs 18%2214

A crushed spirit is difficult to bear.

Depression and suicide are things that I don’t like to write about very often, mainly because, they are very close to home. As I have processed them over the last couple of years, I have realized that what people need is love and hope. Yes, counseling, medication and conversations are important but they are not enough. A personal experience of love is necessary.


16 I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. 17 Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. 18 And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. 19 May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. [Ephesians 3:16-19]

I wrote this poem, after many years of not writing, to try and paint a picture of emotional pain. The pain that eats people alive from within.

There’s a pain,
That echoes in the chambers of my heart.
There’s a pain,
That nobody else seems to understand.
There’s a pain,
That makes me long to be free;
There’s a pain,
That holds me back from living out my destiny.

There’s a pain,
That has whispered many lies that have become my truth.
There’s a pain,
That leaves me with only despair and depression to choose.
There’s a pain,
That robs me of my desire to live.
There’s a pain,
That drives me out options and I’ve just got to leave.

There’s a pain,
That engulfs me though I don’t show it.
There’s a pain,
That has shown me just how good I am at masking.
There’s a pain,
That churns within my soul.
There’s a pain,
That won’t give at all.

There’s a pain,
That I can’t just snap out of;
There’s a pain,
That’s not like a bad mood that I can get rid off.
There’s a pain,
That is real.
There’s a pain,
That I long to heal.

There’s a pain,
That hurts too much.
There’s a pain,
That won’t let me speak, so I remain hush.

Where’s this pain?
It is everywhere!
It starts in the heart,
Then it latches on every part that can hurt.

Do not be fooled any longer by the smile,
My heart and being are filled with so much bile.
For a very long while, I have tried to be strong,
But now I need to end it all, though I know it is wrong.

Every time you think of me, cherish our memories;
Please accept my a million ‘ I’m  Sorrys ‘.
There’s a pain,
I have tried to stay strong and hopeful, but in vain.

In memory of those who I’ve loved and have conceded defeat to this pain. Indeed,
There’s a pain,
That often fails to meet the eye.

For those who are dealing with this pain, my earnest prayer is that the Lord will send His comforting angels to minister to you. That you will know that you are not alone or too far gone. That the Holy Spirit will speak truth into every situation and crevice of your heart. And that this truth will dispel all the lies that you have believed. I pray that God will infuse you with hope, peace, joy and inner strength. May you personally experience the might and vastness of God’s unfailing love. In Jesus name we pray and believe, Amen.

For those who have loved and lost, I pray that the God of all comfort will love on you. May you experience His peace and grace. May He strengthen you and help you to face tomorrow without your loved one. May He steady your feet and be your ever present help in times of need. In Jesus name we pray and believe, Amen.



P.S as always, if you would like me to stand with you in prayer, send me an email via

Let God Write Your Story

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. – Margaret Mead

This is a powerful quote. Unfortunately, too often, we get stuck trying to be like someone else rather than being unique. Which is sad. God knew what He was doing when He made us all different. In fact, we do ourselves a great disservice when we choose to copy and envy others rather than let Him work in and through us. Greatness is reserved for us in Him. Fortunately, the Lord has a superior definition of greatness that is not limited to material wealth and possessions.


Comparison rarely bears good fruit. If anything, it steals the joy within, or puffs up the ego therein. There will always be someone doing better than you are and another who wishes they could be in your shoes. C’est la vie.

Christmas is around the corner; over the last couple of days, God has been asking me to stop putting Him in a box and allow Him to write my story. He desires for me to put all my eggs in His basket and trust His timing and heart.


Here are ways that we can allow God to write our stories the remainder of this year:

  • Experience God’s love for you


The only way to experience God’s love is to interact with Him more. Read your bible and pray everyday. Let God teach you Himself. Create an atmosphere of worship. Make your quiet time with Him exciting, change the venue, change your study guide or bible, play some music in the background.

Don’t be satisfied with what you already know. Pursue Him daily and let Him take you to take you from glory to glory. Watch Him transform your life from the inside out.

  • Let God’s Joy be your strength

joyjoyWe all grow weary and discouraged. Sometimes life hands us very difficult circumstances that tend to knock the air out of our lungs. During those moments, it is not uncommon to feel like giving up.

God desires to refresh and rejuvenate us. To give us a joy that cannot be taken away from us, a joy that is not dependent on circumstances. This joy strengthens us. It makes all the difference.

  • Believe in God’s promises


The world feeds us so many lies right, left and center. After you hear the same thing over and over again it is possible to doubt God’s promises that you barely remember.

The only way to reclaim that part of your heart is to write down God’s promises. Repeat them to yourself daily until they become your default truth. You can find a list of some of God’s promises here.

  • Speak life in every situation


For so long we have been prophets of doom that negativity has become our norm. We are great at predicting and reiterating negative events.

This is your year! Speak life into the remainder of this year. How it begun does not have to be how it ends. Claim your blessings.

Do a little challenge, abstain from speaking negatively for one day and then see if you can last one week. Once we change the way that we speak, we will change the way that we live.

  • Allow Jesus to take the wheel


Finally, allow Jesus to take the wheel and take you to heights you thought  impossible. Whatever is impossible with man, is possible with God.

